Figure IV-4: Tests Used In High School and Postsecondary Programs
Spanish Language Tests Used in High School and Postsecondary Programs Availability

Minnesota Language Proficiency Assessments (MLPA)—Spanish

Purpose: To assess the Spanish language skills of students completing high school foreign language study

Target: Students graduating from U.S. high schools

Method and format: Performance-based; group or individual administration

The reading test is multiple choice. Writing is a situationally based contextualized task. Speaking and listening are tape-mediated contextualized tasks.

Content: Test content is based on general interest topics. The tests assess proficiency in reading (Contextualized Reading Assessment [CoRA], 35 items); writing (Contextualized Writing Assessment [CoWA], 50 minutes); speaking (Contextualized Speaking Assessment [CoSA], 20 minutes); and listening (Contextualized Listening Assessment [CoLA], 35 items). Contextualized tasks ask students to use language in authentic contexts. Advance organizers or warm-up tasks precede each test section.

Administration time: Approximately 2 hours total time

Levels and scoring: The MLPA assesses language proficiency at the Intermediate-Low level on the language proficiency scales of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (CACTFL) Reading is scored on text content, organizational characteristics, and cultural content scales; writing is rated pass/fail using a holistic rubric.

Reliability/validity: "Reliability coefficients from data collected to date are all in the acceptable range; items and tasks have been extensively field tested and refined; tasks are authentic and varied" (publisher's statement).

Number of forms: One

Materials available: Pencil-and-paper and computer-adaptive versions of test; manual for rater training

Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)
University of Minnesota
619 Heller Hall
271 19th Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55455