Student Performance Levels (SPLs) and National Reporting System (NRS)
ESL Functioning Level Descriptors
The two charts that follow give the descriptors for the seven Student Performance Levels
(SPLs) for listening comprehension and oral communication and for the six functioning
levels for English language learners in speaking and listening, reading and writing, and
functional workplace skills. These descriptors show what adult English learners will be able
to do if they receive a given score on tests that are used for federal accountability reporting.
The tests included in the charts are the Basic English Skills Test (BEST) Oral, BEST
Literacy, BEST Plus, and CASAS Life Skills — Reading. For example, if a learner is taking
BEST Plus as a measure of oral English proficiency and scores 340, that learner is at SPL 1
for speaking and, in the NRS scale, at Beginning ESL Literacy for speaking and listening.