Part V offers resources with additional information about working in adult ESL and family literacy programs.

It is our hope that this Toolkit will give adult education practitioners the information and tools they need to work effectively with this large and growing population.


Capps, R., Fix, M. E., & Passel, J. S. (2002, November). The dispersal of immigrants in the 1990s. Immigrant Families and Workers: Facts and Perspectives Series, Brief No. 2. Retrieved May 14, 2004, from

National Center for Family Literacy. (2004). Practitioner toolkit for adult English literacy learners: Needs assessment summary. Unpublished report.

National Center for Family Literacy & Center for Applied Linguistics. (2004). Practitioner toolkit for adult English literacy learners: Focus group summary. Unpublished report.

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Division of Adult Education and Literacy. (2004). State-administered adult education program enrollment: 2002- 2003. Washington, DC: Author.