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Publishers of Adult ESL Resources
The Center for Adult English Language Acquisition (CAELA) has compiled the following annotated list of publishers of books and other materials related to English as a Second Language (ESL) literacy and instruction for adults and out-of-school youth. This list is provided as a reference and does not imply specific CAELA endorsement of the publishers or products listed.
In the descriptions of popular titles for each publisher, the ESL Series category refers to those texts that usually are used as core textbooks. They often provide a framework for instruction, integrating the development and use of the four language skills. Many may also include lifeskills components.
Publisher: ALTA ESL Book Center Publishers
- Contact Information:
- 14 Adrian Court Burlingame, CA 94010 650-692-1285 (telephone) 650-692-4654 (fax) altaesl@aol.com (email)
- www.altaesl.com
- Notes: ALTA ESL Book Center both distributes and publishes materials for ESL. These include many of the most popular and widely-used titles produced by other publishers mentioned in this list as well as titles unique to ALTA. Textbooks, software, reference and resource books (for teachers and learners), reproducible games and activities, and audiotapes are some of the resources available through ALTA for a variety of contexts (ESL, EFL workplace, survial English classes, K-12) and learner groups (children to adults). ALTA can provide a good overview of the range of materials produced for the field of ESL.
Popular Titles Available through ALTA:
- ESL Series: Interchange series (Levels intro-3), New Interchange(Levels 1-3), Passages(Levels 1-2), Side by Side (Levels 1-4), Expressways, (Levels 1-3), Oxford Picture Dictionaries series Listening and Speaking: Jazz Chants series, Conversation Strategies: pair and Group Activities for Developing Communicative Competence, A Conversation Book 1 and Book 2 Pronunciation: Pronunciation Pairs, Clear Speech
Grammar and Vocabulary: Basic Grammar in Use (Levels high beginning to low intermediate), Azar series (basic to intermediate-advanced levels), Focus on Grammar series Reading: True Stories series (beginning to intermediate-advanced levels), Personal Stories (beginning level), Penguin Readers series, Great American Storie 1 Teacher Resources: The Card Book: Interactive Games and Activities for Language Learners, Recipes for Tired Teachers, Index Card Games for ESL Teacher Professional Development: Chalk Talk Teaching Adults: An ESL Resource Book, Teaching Culture: Strategies for Intercultural Communication, Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners
- Citizenship/American Culture: Citizenship: Passing the Test, Handbook for Citizenship, All About the USA, Spotlight on the USA
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
- Contact Information:
- 40 West 20th Street New York, NY 10011 800-872-7423 (telephone for orders and inquiries) 914-937-4712 (fax for orders)
- www.cup.org
- Notes: Cambridge University Press publishes a large variety of books and resource materials for teachers and English language learners at various ages and proficiency levels, including those focusing on language learning and applied linguistics, grammar, listening/speaking, academic reading and writing, TOEFL preparation, and business English. Texts appropriate for higher proficiency levels and learners with academic goals are in the majority. (Most titles listed here use standard North American English.)
Popular Titles:
- ESL Series: Interchange Intro(beginning level), Interchange(Levels 1-3), New Interchange(Levels 1-3), Passages(Levels 1-2) Listening and Speaking: Let's Talk (intermediate level), Active Listening (Levels 1-3), Speaking Naturally Pronunciation: Pronunciation Pairs, Clear Speech
Grammar and Vocabulary: Basic Grammar in Use (Levels high beginning to low intermediate), Grammar in Use (intermediate level), Vocabulary in Use (intermediate level) Reading: Cambridge English Readers series (graded readers), Genuine Articles: Authentic Reading Texts for Intermediate Students of American English ESL and Workforce Preparation: Skills for Success: Working and Studying in English Teacher Resources: Cambridge Copy Collection (photocopyable resource books for grammar, pronunciation, speaking, vocabulary, and general language activities) Teacher Professional Development: Teaching Pronunciation: A Reference for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Handbooks for Language Teachers series, Language Education series, Teacher Training and Development series, Language Teaching Library series, and Applied Linguistics series
- Journals: Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Journal of Linguistics, Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, Language in Society, Language Teaching
Publisher: Contemporary Books
- Contact Information:
- 4255 West Touhy Avenue Lincolnwood, IL 60646-1975 800-USA-READ or 800-621-1918 (telephone) 800-998-3103 (fax)
- www.contemporarybooks.com
- Notes: Known for its GED preparation materials, Contemporary Books also produces texts for the adult English language learner, including books with workforce development and citizenship preparation focuses.
Popular Titles:
- Grammar: Contemporary English series (Levels literacy to 4) Citizenship: Citizenship Now, Look at the U.S.
- ESL and Workforce Preparation: Put English to Work series (Levels literacy to 6), and Make Your Markjob-specific ESL series (food service, hotel, retail, and health)
Publisher: Delta Systems Co., Inc.
- Contact Information:
- 1400 Miller Parkway McHenry, IL 60050-7030 800-323-8270 or 815-363-3582 (telephone) 800-909-9901 (fax) custsvc@delta-systems.com (email)
- www.delta-systems.com
- Notes: Delta Systems is both a publisher and distributor of ESL materials for instruction at a variety of ages, proficiency levels, and contexts. In addition to its own titles, books and materials from most other major ESL publishers are available. Delta is also the publisher of most books produced by The National Center for ESL Literacy Education (NCLE) and the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL).
Popular Delta Titles:
- Instructional Material (intermediate level): A Day in the Life of the González Family(video, student book, and teacher's guide) Citizenship: Of the People(U.S. history), By the People, for the People(U.S. government and citizenship) Assessment: Assessing Success in Family Literacy and Adult ESL, Basic English Skills Test (BEST) (forms B and C and related materials) Teacher Professional Development: Adult Biliteracy in the United States, Approaches to Adult ESL Literacy Instruction, From the Classroom to the Community: A Fifteen-Year Experiment in Refugee Education, Immigrant Learners and Their Families, Learners' Lives as Curriculum: Six Journeys to Immigrant Literacy, Literacy and Language Diversity in the United States, Making Meaning, Making Change: Participatory Curriculum Development in Adult ESL Literacy, Talking Shop: A Curriculum Source book for Participatory Adult ESL, Writing our Lives: Reflections on Dialogue Journal Writing with Adults Learning English
- Magazine: The American Language Review
Publisher: Dominie Press
- Contact Information:
- 1949 Kellogg Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 800-232-4570 (telephone) 760-431-8777 (fax) info@dominie.com (email)
- www.dominie.com
- Notes: Dominie Press publishes both basic ESL series and materials with other focuses (reading, idioms, grammar, speaking and listening, citizenship preparation) for adult ESL learners. They also produce a number of professional development texts for teachers.
Popular Titles:
- ESL Series: Entry to English Literacy: A Real-Life Approach(Levels preliterate and beginning), English Zone(Levels beginning/intermediate and high beginning/intermediate), English for Success(Levels literacy and low-beginning) Grammar: Grammar Points, English I Missed Citizenship: Citizenship for You (beginning level), The Way to U.S. Citizenship(intermediate level) Readers: Tales from Around the World(intermediate), Global Views(beginning), Festival of Folktales(high-beginning/intermediate), Through the Eye of the Needle(intermediate), Beyond the Hidden Door(intermediate), Having a Good Time: Enjoyable Plays for ESL Students(intermediate/advanced) Workplace ESL: English for Technology(high beginning/intermediate), English in the Workplace: The Job Interview
- Professional Development: Teaching Multilevel Classes in ESL, A Guide for the Teaching of Second Language Listening, Bringing Literacy to Life: Issues and Options in Adult ESL Literacy, Think, Write, Share: Process Writing for Adult ESL and Basic Education Students
Publisher: Heinle and Heinle
- Contact Information:
- 20 Park Plaza Boston, MA 02116 877-633-3375 (telephone) 617-368-3971 (fax)
- www.heinle.com
- Notes: Heinle and Heinle publishes texts, software, and multimedia for a variety of audiences and contexts in ESL, EFL, and foreign language instruction, including grammar, listening, speaking, reading, writing, and TOEFL/TOEIC tests preparation.
Popular Titles:
- ESL Series: Collaborations series (Levels literacy to high intermediate), Atlas series (Levels beginning to high intermediate) Grammar: Grammar Dimensions series (Levels 1-4), New Grammar in Action(Levels 1-3) Speaking: Speak Up series (books 1-2), Can't Stop Talking Listening: Speak Out series (Levels 1-3), Listen In series (Levels 1-3), Listen to Me!, Now Hear This! Reading: Voices in Literature series Citizenship: U.S. Citizenship, Yes (high beginning to low intermediate) Workplace: Working It Out (high beginning to intermediate) Resources: Crossroads Café videos and supplementary materials (workbooks, teacher's guides, photo stories)
- Teacher Professional Development: The Tapestry of Language Learning, Second Language Teaching and Learning
Publisher: Linmore Publishing
- Contact Information:
- Box 1545 Palatine, IL 60078 800-336-3656 (telephone) 847-382-0409 (fax) linmore@linmore.com (email)
- www.linmore.com
- Notes: Linmore specializes in ESL, adult basic education, literacy, and content area ESL for secondary and adult learners. They publish a number of books appropriate for pre-literate and beginning level ESL learners.
Popular Titles:
- ESL Series: Linmore's Basic ESL Series(Levels literacy to intermediate) Reading: Pre-Reading Resource Book, Starting to Read, Leer y Escribir Hoy(for Spanish literacy development), Personal Stories series (books 1-3), Beginning Stories from the Heart, Stories from the Heart, Our Lives ESL and Content: Basic Study Skills for Academic Success, Content Area ESL: Social Studies
- ESL and Workforce Preparation: Let's Work Safely!
Publisher: National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research
- Contact Information:
- Macquarie University Linguistics Department New South Wales 2109 Australia 61-2-9850-7673 (telephone for information and orders) 61-2-9850-7849 (fax for information and orders) nceltr@mq.edu.au (email)
- www.nceltr.mq.edu.au
- Notes: NCELTR is housed at the Department of Linguistics at Macquarie University and serves as an Australian national center for research and training in English language teaching. The Centre publishes resources for both learners and teachers. The learner materials tend to be distinctly Australian in language, content, and purpose, but many of the teacher development texts on theory and practice speak to a broad audience.
- Teacher Professional Development: Focus on Grammar, Focus on Reading, Focus on Speaking, Focus on Vocabulary,Teachers' Voices series (Teaching Critical Literacy, Exploring Course Design in a Changing Curriculum, Teaching Disparate Learner Groups), Case Studies in Literacy Development
Publisher: New Readers Press
- Contact Information:
- P.O. Box 35888 Syracuse, NY 13235-5888 800-448-8878 (telephone for information and orders) 315-422-5561 (fax for information and orders)
- www.newreaderspress.com
- Notes: New Readers Press is a division of Proliteracy Worldwide. It publishes instructional and professional development materials focusing on adult ESL, family literacy, adult basic education, lifeskills, GED preparation, and general literacy development. New Readers Press's audience is both teachers working in classrooms and tutors working with individuals on a one-to-one basis.
Popular Titles:
- ESL Series: Lifeprints (Levels Literacy-3), Laubach Way to English (Levels 1-4), English for Everyday Activities (a picture process dictionary, beg-intermed levels) Citizenship: Citizenship: Passing the Test,The INS Interview: Will They Pass?video, Citizenship: Ready for the Interview Workplace: On-the-Job English, Key Vocabulary for a Safe Workplace Teacher Professional Development: Teaching Adults: An ESL Resource Book,Training by Designprint and video tutor/teacher training materials for literacy and ESL Reading: Writers' Voicesand New Writers' Voicesreaders
- Resources: News for You weekly newspaper
Publisher: Oxford University Press
- Contact Information:
- ESL Department 198 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016-4314 800-451-7556 (telephone) 919-677-1303 (fax) ORDERS@OUP-USA>ORG (email)
- www.oup.com/us/
- Notes: Oxford University Press publishes a large variety of books and resource materials for teachers and English language learners at various ages and proficiency levels, including those focusing on grammar, listening/speaking, reading, writing, and English for specific purposes (ESP). (Most titles listed here use standard North American English.)
Popular Titles:
- ESL Series: Crossroads(Levels literacy to intermediate), New American Streamline (Levels beginning to advanced), Springboard (Levels high beginning to intermediate), New Person to Person (Levels high-beginning to intermediate), East West (Levels beginning to intermediate), Gallery (Levels high-beginning to advanced) Speaking and Listening: Jazz Chants series, Tactics for Listening series, Speaking up at Work Grammar: The Grammar Handbook, Oxford Pocket English Grammar, English Idioms, A Practical English Grammar, How English Works Reading: Spotlight on the USA, Oxford Progressive Readers series, Anecdotes in American English series, Oxford Bookworms series Teacher Resources: New Oxford Picture Dictionary series Teacher Professional Development: Teaching Techniques in English as a Second Language series, Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers, Resource Books for Teachers series, Language Teaching: A Scheme for Teacher Education series
- Journals: ELT Journal, Applied Linguistics
Publisher: Pearson Education ESL
- Contact Information:
- 10 Bank Street, 9th Floor White Plains, NY 10606-1951 800-375-2375 (telephone for information) 800-922-0579 (telephone for orders) 800-445-6991 (fax for orders)
- www.pearsoned.com
- Notes: Pearson Education now handles books and materials (including video and software) formerly available from Longman, Prentice Hall Regents, Scott Foresman ESL, and Addison Wesley. In addition to various series for the classroom, there are titles targeting pronunciation, idioms, grammar, TOEFL/TOEIC preparation, reading (including graded readers and multicultural readers), literacy level instruction, citizenship, and workplace/VESL.
Popular Titles:
- Grammar: Azar Grammar series (Levels beginning to advanced), Focus on Grammar series (Levels introductory to advanced) ESL Series: English for Adult Competency 1 & 2 (Levels beginning to intermediate), Expressways(Levels 1-4), Navigator1 & 2 (Levels basic to intermediate), Going Places 1 & 2(Levels beginning and high beginning), Communicator I & II(Levels intermediate and advanced), New Vistas, (Levels getting started and 1-4), Side by Side,(Levels 1-4), Spectrum,(Levels 1-6), Lifelines(Levels 1-4), Topics and Language Competencies,(Levels 1-6), Lado English(levels 1-6) Reading: More True Stories series, The USA series, Penguin readers, and Longman Classics Teacher Professional Development: How to... series, Teacher Training through video: ESL Techniques videos and materials
- Resources: Longman dictionaries, Word by Word picture dictionaries.
Publisher: Pro Lingua Associates
- Contact Information:
- 20 Elm Street Brattleboro, VT 05301 800-366-4775 (telephone) 802-257-5117 (fax) prolingu@sover.net (email)
- www.prolinguaassociates.com
- Notes: Pro Lingua Associates publishes a variety of books and classroom materials for ESL/EFL and foreign language instruction at a variety of age and proficiency levels.
Popular Titles:
- Grammar and Vocabulary: The Grammar Handbook, Grammar Exercises, Lexicarryvocabulary builder
- Teacher Resources: The Interactive Tutorial: An Activity Parade(photocopayable activities for the adult ESL/EFL student), The ESL Miscellany, Shenanigames: Grammar-Focused ESL-EFL Activities and Games, Index Card Games for ESL, Discovery Traillearning game, People at Workprint and cassette series, Living Incultural orientation series.
Publisher: Steck-Vaughn
- Contact Information:
- P.O. Box 26015 Austin, Tx 78755 800-531-5015 (telephone) 512-343-6854 (fax for orders)
- http://steckvaughn.harcourtachieve.com/en-US/steckvaughn.htmk-vaughn.com
- Notes: Steck-Vaughn produces, in addition to elementary and high school texts, a variety of materials for adult learners, including those that focus on ESL, GED preparation, and workforce preparation.
Popular Titles:
- ESL Series: Entry to English Literacy: A Real-Life Approach(Levels preliterate and beginning), Real-Life English(Levels literacy to intermediate) Grammar: Real-Life English Grammar (Levels low-beginning to intermediate) Teacher Resources: The Magnetic Waymanipulatives and visuals for adult ESL instruction
- Citizenship: Preparation for Citizenship (low-beginning level), Good Citizenship series (Levels intermediate and above)
Publisher: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- Contact Information:
- 700 South Washington Street, Suite 200 Alexandria, VA 22314 703-836-0774 (telephone) 703-836-7864 (fax) publ@tesol.org (email)
- www.tesol.org
- Notes: TESOL is the largest professional organization worldwide for those invovled in the teaching of English to speakers of other languages. It produces a variety of texts on ESL theory and practice in K-12, higher education, and adult settings.
Popular Titles:
- Teacher Professional Development: E-Mail for English Teaching,CALL Environments: Research, Practice, and Critical Issues,New Ways series, Directory of Professional Preparation Programs in TESOL in the United States and Canada,Professional Papers series, and Voices of Experience series.
- Journals: TESOL Quarterly, TESOL Journal,and the bi-monthly TESOL Matters.
Publisher: University of Michigan Press
- Contact Information:
- 839 Greene Street, P.O. Box 1104 Ann Arbor, MI 48106 734-764-4388 (telephone for general inquiries) 734-764-4392 (telephone for general orders 734-936-0456 (fax for ESL inquiries) 800-876-1922 (fax for general orders)
- www.press.umich.edu/esl/
- Notes: University of Michigan Press was one of the first publishers to publish ESL materials in the United States. Books and resources focusing on language learning and applied linguistics, grammar, listening and pronunciation, speaking and conversation, reading and vocabulary, writing and compsition, test preparation, and EAP/ESP are available.
Popular Titles:
- Basic Courses: Alliance (Beginnning to advanced), Intensive English for Communication(Levels 1-2), Pyramids(high-beginning to intermediate) Speaking/Conversation: Clear Grammar: Activities for Spoken and Written Communication (Levels 1-3)
- Teacher Resources: Linguistics Across Cultures: Applied Linguistics for Language Teachers Language Teaching Library series, and Understanding Language Structure, Interaction, and Variation: An Introduction to Applied Linguistics and Sociolinguistics for Nonspecialists